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Here at The Learning Brain News you will find insights and discoveries from neuroscience research and how they can impact education.  

Plus, expert opinions and practical tips for teachers, parents and learning difficulties practitioners. Also included are free downloads, inspirational videos, and lists of upcoming conferences.

All this in an easy-to-digest and enjoyable format. Stay curious, stay informed, and keep learning. 

Read the July Edition Here


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July 2024

Welcome to the July 2024
Learning Brain News

For you this month: Procrastination solutions, AI and VR helps with public speaking anxiety, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia download (free), and Education Conferences in four countries (including Bali, Indonesia).
Plus, check out 100 teen slang words at the end of the newsletter to see how many are used by teens you know.
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June 2024

Welcome to the June 2024 Learning Brain News

It's hard to avoid all the discussion about artificial intelligence (AI), and the debate about the promise and peril of this new technology. Regardless of what we think, there's no doubt AI is moving into education and learning. Read Chat GPT is Coming to a University Near You.

And as always this edition brings you neuroscience news about our learning brains.

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May 2024

Welcome to the May 2024
Learning Brain News

This month you can read about how educators are navigating AI, how disadvantage impacts student learning, and how the effect of Covid was not as bad for students as we thought. 

Also, this month we list upcoming education conferences in UK, USA and Australia. See What’s On.

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April 2024

Welcome to the April 2024 Learning Brain News

The world’s largest education conference is on this month in San Diego, USA - see What’s On for details. You can attend digitally.

Do you have a child or students who struggle with maths because they find reading the questions difficult?  Read about how Chat GPT may help - see What’s New?

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March 2024

Welcome to the March 2024 Learning Brain News

This month we take a detailed look at the recent publicity about the "Reading Guarantee" report from The Grattan Institute and it's commendations for teaching. Plus there are interesting articles about how ADHD can be an advantage for entrepreneurs, and how pre-term births don’t cause autism.

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February 2024

Welcome to the February 2024 Learning Brain News

Against a background of news of how technology is looming larger & larger in our lives (see What’s New? and Technology), this month you can read how beneficial traditional, non-tech activities can be for us and our students (see Latest Research and Memory).

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December 2023

Welcome to the December 2023 Learning Brain News

We’ve come to the end of another year. So this is the last edition for 2023. The Learning Brain News team will be taking our annual break. You will see us next back in your inbox in February. In the meantime we wish you a safe, and happy holiday season.

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November 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Learning Brain News

This month read about new research focussing on pre-school children and adolescents. It suggests young, shy children may struggle more on language intensive tasks than children who are outgoing, and adolescents start to cognitively mature at about 18 years.

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October 2023

Welcome to the October 2023 Learning Brain News

For you this month:  How fatty food impact memory, social media use & teen anxiety, new ADHD research, the brain science of making & listening to music. Plus much more...

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September 2023

Welcome to the September 2023 Learning Brain News

In this month’s selection you can read about teaching kids how to be resilient, early signs of ADHD, strategies for kids with auditory processing disorder, a book about how biology influences behaviour and why introverted children don’t need to be ‘fixed’.

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August 2023

Welcome to the August 2023 Learning Brain News

Chatbots to help children develop emotional skills, 11 suggestions to guide teenagers, 7 memory tips, 34 dyslexia questions & answers. You can read about all these, and more in this edition.

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July 2023

Welcome to the July 2023 Learning Brain News

Reading, laughter, mental health, Artificial Intelligence, autism, ADHD and what Einstein told his cook.  Read about all these and more in this month’s edition.

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June 2023

Welcome to the June 2023 Learning Brain News

This month’s news includes an intriguing development that can turn a person’s thoughts into text, without the need of a brain implant.  Also, take a look at the Book of the Month, “Platonic”, which unpacks the latest findings about the bonds between humans.

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May 2023

Welcome to the May 2023 Learning Brain News

There’s lots to read this month, including scientists watching a memory form in a living brain, tips for developing your child’s learning brain and John Hattie’s new book “Visible Learning: The Sequel”.

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April 2023

Welcome to the April 2023 Learning Brain News

As usual we have a wide range of topics for you this month. Read about ChatGPT & lesson plans, social skills, working memory, early life stress & mental illness, face blindness, sleep & autism. Plus watch a video about  procrastination.
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April 2023

Welcome to the April 2023 Learning Brain News

As usual we have a wide range of topics for you this month. Read about ChatGPT & lesson plans, social skills, working memory, early life stress & mental illness, face blindness, sleep & autism. Plus watch a video about  procrastination.
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March 2023

Welcome to the March 2023 Learning Brain News

There’s lots to read this month, including teenage brains, robots to assist people with learning difficulties, video games and ADHD, plus a short video explaining why we we like to squeeze cute things!

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February 2023

Welcome to the February 2023 Learning Brain News

The new school year has started, how ready are your children?

Also, read about a new test which uses a single strand of hair to help diagnose autism, and check out the book recommendation, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence.

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February 2023

Welcome to the February 2023 Learning Brain News

The new school year has started, how ready are your children?

Also, read about a new test which uses a single strand of hair to help diagnose autism, and check out the book recommendation, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence.

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December 2022

Welcome to the December 2022 Learning Brain News

Read how to use the summer break to prepare your children for return to school in 2023.  Plus there are 10 tips to support children with autism through the end of year changes.

Have a safe and happy break. The Learning Brain News team is taking January off.  We will be back in your inbox in February.

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November 2022

Welcome to the November 2022 Learning Brain News

This month we cover a wide range of topics. You can read about the new Australian ADHD guidelines, maths vocabulary, why your mind wanders, using robots to help treat stuttering, and why mosquitos bite some people more than others.

And a warning about nose picking!

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November 2022

Welcome to the November 2022 Learning Brain News

This month we cover a wide range of topics. You can read about the new Australian ADHD guidelines, maths vocabulary, why your mind wanders, using robots to help treat stuttering, and why mosquitos bite some people more than others.

And a warning about nose picking!

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October 2022

Welcome to the October 2022 Learning Brain News

October is Dyslexia Month, and so this edition has four items about dyslexia, including a helpful checklist. You can also read about complex ADHD, and how gamer's brains can sync up even if they are not physically present with each other.

Plus, Thomas The Tank Engine has his first autistic friend, Bruno The Brake Car.

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September 2022

Welcome to the September 2022 Learning Brain News

Do you know that movement can help children recognise the sounds of letters and that some video games can estimate players emotions?

You can read about each of these developments in this month's edition. Plus, an Australian study which says on average there are 2 students in every classroom with developmental language disorder.


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